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This little system might be able to save you some time, and perhaps help you write a better recommendation for those that look up to you for help. A good recommendation letter can change a person's future. Wow, that's a lot of pressure if you ask me ...

For this system to behave properly, you will need cookies enabled. Absolutely no data is stored centrally on this server as I respect your privacy.

Your Name:  
E-mail Address:
In case you wish to offer e-mail contact.
Your Telephone:
In case you wish to offer telephone contact.
Your Mailing Address:  

Addressee for Letter:  
Admissions Committee
Awards Committee
Their Name:  
Sometimes there is a numerical identifier for an applicant.
This system will automatically replace and check most "his"/"her" issues in your letter.
  Female   Male
Goal of Letter:
Name of the targeting program for this recommendation letter.
Recommendation:   High
Extremely High
Indifferent (obligatory recommendation)
Length of Association:   Year(s)  Month(s)  
Association Capacity:
Fill in the form as if you are writing a continuation of the role. For example, if 'Instructor' is checked, write 'in XYZ'; or if 'Supervisor' is checked, write 'for a project with XYZ' -- exclude a period at the end of the texts.
Association Comment:
How this person compares to their peers, and any extra qualitative or quantitative information you use to assess the person. Write this normally as a full sentence or collection of sentences.
Note that this is plural and can be left blank. Don't include a period at the end of the texts, and start your sentence with a lowercase letter.
Note that this is plural and can be left blank. Don't include a period at the end of the texts, and start your sentence with a lowercase letter.
Illustrative Example:
Being concrete is important here. Refer to a particular great or poor example of behavior to back up your statement of strengths and weaknesses. Write this normally as a full sentence or collection of sentences.


Offer to contact me:
An offer to be contacted is a big deal. Don't check this box lightly.
  Offer to contact me with further questions
Store your information for re-use on a new letter in the future.  




Copyright 2006, John Maeda.